Transport Systems Research Group

TSRG/AUTh logoThe Transport Systems Research Group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (TSRG/AUTh) was established by Prof. Aristotelis Naniopoulos in 1998. Since then it has functioned within the Division of Transport Planning and Engineering, Project Management and Regional Planning, of the School of Civil Engineering, of the Faculty of Engineering, of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The scientific activities of the Group fall under the areas of operation, planning organization and management as well as the impact of Transport Systems on people, environment, sustainable development. TSRG carries out both funded (from public and private organizations) and non-funded research. The Group combines field knowledge with established collaborations in every project that it undertakes, utilises existing expertise within AUTh and cooperates with external consultants and researchers. The existing facilities are continuously upgraded in order to keep up with the demands of research and development.

Main fields of expertise:

  • Design, planning and management of Transport systems.
  • Urban and rural public transport and flexible transport services.
  • Freight transport and logistics.
  • People with reduced mobility (disabled, elderly, etc.) and accessibility.
  • Feasibility, traffic and mobility studies.
  • The human factor and aesthetics/art of Transport systems.
  • Social impact analysis on Transport systems.
  • Environmental management of Transport systems.
  • New technologies and telematics in Transport.
  • Transport Safety.
  • Tourism and Transport.
  • Strategic planning and Transportation policy.
  • Modelling and operational research.

Our philosophy:

Our vision is encapsulated in the promotion of research in Transportation science, in order to meet the human need for quality, efficient and sustainable mobility. The TSRG aims at the creation of new IDEAS and APPLICATIONS in order to satisfy society’s current and future needs and the promotion of SUSTAINABLE anthropocentric systems.

Our primary target is to deliver high quality and aesthetically reliable results that are useful to society.